The Ferryman

Our book group choice for December 2017 is The Ferryman by Jez Butterworth. Armagh, 1981. The Carney farmhouse is a hive of activity with preparations for the annual harvest.

The Ferryman is a 2017 play by Jez Butterworth. Set during The Troubles, it tells the story of the family of a former IRA activist, living in their farmhouse in rural County Armagh, Northern Ireland in 1981.

The play opens with a scene in Derry, where a parish priest is questioned by an IRA captain about the body of a man who has been found in a bog. The body is that of Seamus Carney, a young man who disappeared ten years earlier. Seamus was Quinn Carney’s brother, and Quinn is now the head of the Carney family.

The scene then shifts to the Carney farm, where the family is preparing for the harvest. The atmosphere is festive, but there is an underlying tension. The family is still reeling from the news of Seamus’ death, and they are all aware of the political and sectarian violence that is tearing Northern Ireland apart.

As the day progresses, the family’s secrets and lies begin to unravel. Quinn’s wife, Mary, is dying of cancer, and she is determined to clear her conscience before she dies. She reveals to her children that Seamus was not killed by the IRA, but by Quinn himself. Quinn had been a member of the IRA, but he had left the organization after he became disillusioned with its violence. Seamus had followed in his footsteps, but he had been killed by a rival IRA faction.

Quinn’s confession throws the family into turmoil. His children are shocked and angry, and they are forced to come to terms with the fact that their father is a murderer. Mary is relieved to have finally told the truth, but she is also dying, and she knows that the family will never be the same.

Additional Details

  • The title of the play comes from the ferryman Charon in Greek mythology, who ferries the souls of the dead across the River Styx.
  • The play was first performed in London in 2017, and it went on to win the Olivier Award for Best Play.
  • The play was adapted into a film in 2022, directed by Sam Mendes.
  • The Ferryman has been praised for its acting, its writing, and its depiction of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

The Ferryman is a powerful and moving play that explores the themes of family, betrayal, and redemption. It is a story about the long-lasting effects of violence, and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds. The play is beautifully written and acted, and it is a must-see for anyone interested in theater or the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Discussion Questions The Ferryman

  1. What is the significance of the setting of the play, a remote farmhouse in Ireland?
  2. How does the play explore the themes of family, duty, and tradition?
  3. What is the role of the supernatural in the play?
  4. What is the significance of the title, The Ferryman?
  5. What is the relationship between Quinn and his father, Carney?
  6. What is the significance of the relationship between Quinn and Caitlin?
  7. What is the role of Pádraig in the play?
  8. What is the significance of the play’s ending?
  9. How does the play explore the impact of the Troubles in Northern Ireland?
  10. What is the play’s message about the power of love and forgiveness?
  11. What is the play’s critique of traditional Irish values?
  12. How does the play challenge our notions of what it means to be a family?
  13. What is the play’s relationship to Irish mythology and folklore?
  14. How does the play use language to create a sense of place and atmosphere?
  15. What is the play’s lasting impact?
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