No One Belongs Here More Than You

Our book choice for November 2014 is No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July. Award-winning filmmaker and performing artist Miranda July brings her extraordinary talents to the page in a startling, sexy, and tender collection.

The title of the book, No One Belongs Here More Than You, is a phrase that is repeated throughout the collection. It is a reminder that everyone has a place in the world, no matter how different or unusual they may seem. It is also a challenge to readers to embrace their own uniqueness and to find their own way to belong.

The stories

The book is a collection of 15 short stories, each of which explores a different aspect of human connection and loneliness. The stories are told from a variety of perspectives, including those of children, adults, and even animals. The characters are all searching for connection, but they often find it in unexpected ways.

Some of the stories in the collection are more humorous than others, but they all share a common thread of empathy and compassion. July’s characters are often flawed and awkward, but they are also deeply human. They are all searching for love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging.

The themes

The themes of No One Belongs Here More Than You are loneliness, connection, and the search for meaning. The stories explore the different ways that people try to connect with each other, both physically and emotionally. They also explore the ways that people find meaning in their lives, even when they feel lost or alone.

One of the central themes of the book is the idea that everyone belongs, no matter how different they may seem. July’s characters are all outsiders in some way, but they all find a way to find their place in the world. The book is a reminder that everyone has something to offer, and that everyone deserves to be loved and accepted.

The style

The style of No One Belongs Here More Than You is unique and experimental. July’s writing is often surreal and dreamlike, and she uses a variety of literary devices to create a sense of disorientation and wonder. The stories are full of strange and unexpected moments, which often leave the reader feeling both amused and disturbed.

July’s writing is also very personal. She often draws on her own experiences to create her characters and stories. This gives the book a sense of authenticity and intimacy, which makes it all the more powerful.

The impact

No One Belongs Here More Than You has had a significant impact on readers and critics alike. The book has been praised for its originality, its humor, and its compassion. It has also been credited with helping to break down traditional notions of gender and sexuality.

Discussion Questions for No One Belongs Here More Than You

  • Many of the characters in Miranda July’s stories are lonely, vulnerable and tentative, yet clearly the intent of the author is not to expose or ridicule them but to make them sympathetic to the reader. Are there characters in these stories who unexpectedly win your heart? Are there some whose behavior you cannot understand?
  • In The Shared Patio, the narrator explains that telling Vincent Chang “it’s not your fault” was “really the only thing I had ever wanted to say to anyone, and be told” (pg. 7). What does she mean by this?
  • In The Swim Team, “Maria” tells Kelda that resisting putting her face into the bowl of water is “the body telling you it doesn’t want to die” (pg. 16). What is it that divides the three elderly people in this story to sign up for swimming lessons?
  • The narrator in Majesty educates people on earthquake safety, engaging her own fears. And she dreams of Prince William? Yet she says “Life is just this way, broken, and I am crazy to hope for something else” (pg. 31), why does she have this dream? Is there a strange optimism in Miranda July’s stories?
  • What does The Man on the Stairs represent? Why does the narrator think about the friends she dislikes and the boy at the gas station when she first hears him coming towards her room? Instead of waking Kevin or calling for help, why does she get out of bed and face him by herself?
  • “We do terrible things, we make wars, we kill out of greed. So who are we to say how to love” (pg. 43). Does the narrator in The Sister truly believe his argument for preferring teenage girls, or is this a rationalization that allows him to continue his behavior? When does he first realize Blanca doesn’t actually exist? And why does he acquiesce to Victor?
  • What is the “dark shape” in Making Love in 2003? As an adult, why does the narrator believe this darkness has been transformed into her student, Stephen Krause? After discovering he has another girlfriend, why does she write “Peace” on the chalkboard?
  • In Mon Plaisir, what is the significance of Carl and the narrator practicing Buddhism, tai chi, macrobiotic diets, and favoring only things that are “MEANINGFUL” (pg. 148)?
  • In Birthmark, why does the narrator regret her decision to remove her “stain?” What did this mark represent to both her and others? When it reappears, why does her husband believe she’ll finally want to have a child with him?
  • When and why does the relationship change between Deb and Lyon in How to Tell Stories to Children? Do you consider their family relationship in the best interest of the three adults, or the child? If her eyes are “triumphant” (pg. 201) when she brings Ed Borger home, what is Lyon trying to win?
  • In Something That Needs Nothing, “Gwen” noticed “We were always getting away with something, which implied that someone was always watching us, which meant we were not alone in this world” (pg. 75). Several of the characters in other stories also mention the idea of someone looking over them. Is this a way of assuring loneliness?
  • Are there any overarching themes that link these stories together? Did you find connections between the characters — do they occupy similar worlds?
  • Discuss the sense of loneliness in this collection. Which characters feel isolated from the rest of society? Is this their choice? Do any of them change?
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